Your Small Business Needs Accurate IT Asset Management

Tracking company computer equipment and software may be tedious, but it is essential. Having an accurate accounting of hardware equipment and software licenses provides visibility that can improve company performance and utilization, saving time, money and headaches.

IT Asset Management can be a challenge due to factors like the proliferation of mobile devices, contractors with network access, re-organizations, and multiple office locations.  These things make it difficult to have an accurate understanding of what devices and software are on company networks at any given time.  

Ventura Tech’s automated inventory reporting service can generate regular reports to help small companies keep accurate accounting of IT assets which provides the following advantages:

  • Strategic Planning: Accurate asset information helps companies evaluate IT expenditures for value and return on investment prior to any upgrade spending.   This data can be used to align hardware and application purchase plans with business objectives and can help measure the impact of technology on core business activities.  These efforts can improve infrastructure efficiencies and minimize overhead expenses.
  • Cost Efficiency: Proper hardware and software tracking helps minimize costs by streamlining IT system maintenance and administration, improving IT budget management, maximizing utilization, and minimizing unnecessary or duplicate purchases. 
  • Compliance: Software vendor audits can catch organizations off guard if they are not aware they are at risk of having unlicensed software on their networks. An asset management system can help with license compliance by tracking what software is installed on what system and whether it’s properly licensed.
  • Regulations: Accurate accounting becomes critical for companies that need to meet certain government regulations.  In recent years congress has passed various legislation to set rules on how companies handle data security and privacy issues.  For example, financial regulatory requirements in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act require organizations track and monitor hardware and software used to support financial reporting.

Ventura Tech’s remote monitoring management system automates hardware and software asset management for accurate accounting to save companies money, time and headaches.  Contact Ventura Tech to see how we can help!