Google Apps is now G Suite

At Ventura Tech, we take advantage of what used to be called Google Apps, but as of late September, is now known as G Suite.   According to Google, they believe the name better suits the purpose of their office application products. 

The updated names for each of the products are:

G Suite includes the same set of applications: Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drive, Calendar, Hangouts, and more.   And Google continues to add useful upgrades.  For example, on Nov 16th, Google added customized templates for Slides, Sheets and Docs.   These features are intended to compete with the primary workplace application solution in the marketplace, Microsoft Office. 

As Google adds more features to compete with Office, Microsoft has been making improvements as well, shifting to cloud-based services and subscriptions to compete with solutions like G Suite.  Both appear to be on a similar course, offering cloud-based, full featured applications for the work place, which ultimately will benefit us, the clients.

If you are interested in implementing G Suite, or Microsoft Office at your workplace, and need assistance, contact Ventura Tech today!